How To Increase Your Television Life Expectancy

Syd Ajaz Syd Ajaz April 11, 2020 0 Comments

We all complain about our electronic products and about their life cycle, firstly we need to understand about the life cycle of an electronic product and then we will talk about how can we increase it.

There were a time in early 60’s till 90’s we would consider using CRT display not only because of that era’s technological advancement but even after some time we would say “old is gold”. Because we use to think that old electronic devices has more life expectancy as compare to the new ones and I won’t say that it is completely wrong but on some level its our human psyche to believe such assumptions.

Crt → Lcd → Led Televisions

But time to time human being started to evolve as well as our technological advancement got a boast because of that.
And till now many people believe that same thing, but the fact is they are wrong to some levels firstly because human nature gets confused when something new happens to him/her if he/she can’t completely understand the nature of that particular product, and most of the people don’t know how to use new technology, and secondly if we don’t know how it works then how can we take care/maintain such a product ?, thus life expectancy decrease.

Classic Television

It was so easy to work with those electronic devices, there would be a on/off button, two volume buttons and maximum 10-12 channels and there you have it a complete entertainment electronic product. And even the maintenance of this product was so easy the only thing was that it was to heavy to carry but once you buy and place it into your living room then that’s it. You don’t need to do anything more than that now the only thing left is that gain what it is made to do and that’s your home entertainment. Now mostly usage of this product has been obsolete. Even its to hard to find them in developing countries also.

Modern Television

This technology came after CRT televisions and this type got widely popular due to more options and liquid crystal display hence got its name (LCD)-TV, It had a wider range in pixels and has a greater resolution and most importantly it was light in weight due to which it got its popularity because it was easy to move it from your tv lounge to your bedroom at our convenience and now a days we see televisions in our bedrooms also even if we have a tv in our lounge too,
But there is also some disadvantages even if some product have 90% ratio of advantages and those were it could break easily due to its light weight, but most of the people didn’t understand that there is a job that a specific person is appointed to do and that was to handle the LCD tv like moving it but people took it for granted and wanted to do that task on their own and that was a big mistake for example if we get a broken light in our house we will call an electrician to repair it but people went one step further and did all on their own without having experience and above that most people don’t even read the instruction manual which comes with the product.
After that many manufacturing companies didn’t gave the warranty according to that specific situation. Because let’s be honest it was people’s own stupidity to take things for granted and to complain about it when facing problems.
Most of the developing countries use these products.Now I will talk about some of the problems and their effortless solutions: Most of the time dust particles gets in and makes your LCD-TV unusable the trick to get it working is that, if you got a blower lying around in your house you should use it to remove those dust particles out of your tv.
Another thing we sometimes do is while cleaning our tv we use soaked water cloth to clean the screen or the body of tv, REMEMBER NEVER DO THAT!
As I said firstly use blower or if you don’t have one then use a dry cloth to remove dust or cleaning it.
Sometimes because of these small things we get a broken LCD-TV which is so annoying!!!
Other problems like no sound output, blurry display ,black screen appearing or sometimes lines starts to appear on the tv which is not that easy to resolve here on this level we are here to help you because its not that of an easy task to do I will explain you a little ,
For example if the LCD-TV is not giving sound output probably that’s because the IC on the board is damaged and it needs to get repaired which is a work of highly experienced professionals, which our employees are !

Smart Television

Now this product is a technology of today’s developed world countries and USA falls into that category and we are proud to provide services to our country’s people.
Its more light in weight, has better resolution, increased PPI (Pixel Per Inch), low power consumption and even now some manufacturers introduced a paper like LED screen which is just like a news paper and some has introduced a foldable screens and even now in some mobiles we see this kind of technology.
Some disadvantages and how to increase their life expectancy:
Increased drastically in price.
Very low ratio of people who understands this technology and how to repair it properly and could tell you that how to increase the life of that product. PS: we are one of them!
New technology is hard to use for uneducated people and even some of the educated people find it difficult to understand it.
Now we will talk about how to increase this product’s life.
Firstly, we need to understand how should we operate it and what precautions we need to take while using it.
LED (light-emitting diode) this technology is not that simple to understand so I will keep it simple for you.
An LED screen is actually an LCD screen, but instead of having a normal CCFL backlight, it uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a source of light behind the screen. An LED is more energy efficient and a lot smaller than a CCFL, enabling a thinner television screen.

It is not too hard to take care of this type of tv still now people take it for granted but because of soo much light in weight people can handle it easily but we should always take precautions before making such decision.
The most important thing I always put pressure on is that read the user manual first even if you know everything about it because its possible that you might learn something new about the product or some new feature which you don’t know but after reading it you get to know and you might want to use it.
And commonly you will also get to know about the warranty of the product from which you could know that how much you could take the product for granted.
Often, we made mistakes if we are importing led tv’s is that other’s country voltage system could be different from ours.
I remember importing a gaming console from other country and then I plugged it into my socket and as soon as I powered it on and boom it got burned in a split second. So before even enjoying my new console I got a dead one hence talking about life expectancy! I didn’t even get a chance to use it. So never be in a hurry is the first and foremost rule to get a greater life expectancy.
Do your homework is the second and most important rule to achieve higher life of a product and by homework, I mean research about what you want to get and how will it benefit you in ways that suits you.
Always keep your things clean is another rule towards increasing life expectancy because believe it or not it helps a lot more than we think. On the user manual which will come with your product in that it will have a detailed version of how to clean and take care of it, as I told you in LCD-TV section.
Always switch off your LED-TV after using it never keep it on stand-by because of it, it will continuously use power which could cause it to burn likely in a month or so.
So, these were some steps that you should take to increase the life expectancy of your TV, hope it will help you!

Syd Ajaz
AboutSyd Ajaz

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